My Afternoon!
(12 PM - 6 PM)
As a SoCal yorkie, I obviously take advantage of the amazing weather! Afternoon is prime Me-time, a time
for peace, self-care and reflection. Oh, and of course, more fun!
Below is my agena for a typical afternoon, check it out!
Afternoon Agenda
- 12-4 PM: I lay in the shade of my kingdom ( a.k.a. the
backyard) and get much
needed rest after
an eventful morning. Occassionally, i'll bark at the horses passing by.
- 4-4:45 PM: WALK TIME! Truly one of the highlights of my day. I get to see
world, mark my
territory and make new friends- what's not to like?
- 4:45-6 PM: I got to my secret, not so secret hideout: the laundry room. Why?
To plot tonight's
plans after the humans fall asleep. *cue evil laugh*
© Tracy Chen, 1st Year M.S. IXD Student, Fall 2021